Add your Stuff

This is how this site works.

Add your Venue | Add your Diary

The Poole area is simply huge. There is absolutely no way we could possibly collect details on all eligible venues and businesses in this area without your help. If we try to guess what your ventures are about, we are likely to get it badly wrong. We have no way of knowing your business as well as you. This site is about getting help and information to those who desperately need it.

To this end we publish without charge the contact information and / or diaries of any in the Poole area who offer free or non profit making, services, information or activities.

There are some rules.

  1. This site is visited by children. Don't send anything unsuitable for children.
  2. The information you send must be reasonably accurate.
  3. The venues must be non profit making - or be used for non profit making events.
  4. The events must be non profit making.
  5. If you want us to publicise profit making endeavours, we will obviously require remuneration. Email us.
  6. All venues and events submitted may be subject to scrutiny and checks prior to publishing. This can take up to a week.
  7. Final decisions on all aspects of this site rest solely in the hands of the Gary. He will listen to advice - then decide.

Send your venue details first. We will contact you and supply you with the details you need to send in your diaries.