Venue Submission

Your Venue Name
Your Venue Address
Your Area - this is used to search. Please do not generalise "Poole" is for Poole town, not the surrounding areas.
Postcode - This is also used as a search field. If your code is not added, your venue will not show on a search of that area.
Your Phone Number, including code - this is published
Morning opening times
Afternoon Opening times
Venue Booking Office Phone No - if different from above.
Website Address
Email Address
Registered Charity Number
A description of your business
Do you need Volunteers
What do you want to say to any who are interested
What sort of parking do you have available for the public?
Cost of parking per hour all day etc.
Age groups your venue is suited for
Is this venue suitable for or of interest to Disabled persons - Only state yes if they would visit for pleasure rather than treatment.
Do children visit your venue
Do Teenagers visit your venue
Do Adults Visit your Venue
Do the Elderly visit your venue
Do you offer Training at your Venue
Can the public visit for free
Do you supply free information
Do you offer support
Do you offer help with health related matters
Do you offer Mental Health related help
Are you a Committee  
What category would you place your venue in
What is the financial cost - if any of entry to your Venue
What is the Membership fee - if any
What is your contact name for the public
Who entered this form
Any details we should be aware of? This field is not published
Check your entries then hit submit.